GSoC - The Beginning

Last time I told you about my journey in the Open Source world and I mentioned getting selected for Google Summer of Code. Well, this post will be about it - about how I’ve spent my last couple of weeks with MDAnalysis.

Let’s begin with what my project is, well, this is what the excerpt says

The objective is to implement this shift in a way that existing development work is not affected and to improve performance of the existing test cases and to make it more maintainable in general.

So basically I’m tasked with porting the whole testing framework from nosestes (which is no longer under active development) to pytest. Basically, the project consists of three main parts -

So currently I am working on the first point as mentioned and have made very little progress so far. I started out late, owing to health issues, but hope to cover up the time lost by the first evaluation deadline. It’s week 3 today and I’m still stuck on week 1, which is really bad, bad to the point that I think I might fail the first evaluations which are due 26th of this month.

I’ve been working on splitting the TravisCI build to work with nose and pytest simultaneously and merge coverage, see #1370 and trust me TravisCI can be a pain to work with. I’m facing stalled builds almost everytime I push code, which actually wastes a lot of time - 50 minutes to just figure that the build has stalled and then I have to restart it 3-4 times atleast to make it work. So it can take me up to 3 hours just to verify if what I have done is correct or not.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get back to my proposed timeline and you’ll keep hearing about my journey with MDAnalysis. Cheers.